0434 700 503
Dealing with Anxiety/Aggressive Behavior
Individual & specialised advice; 4 x 1 hour sessions; initial 30minute FREE meet & greet.
Service Description
PROOF OF CURRENT VACCINATION REQUIRED PAWSATIVE K9 OBEDIENCE IS A POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT TRAINING MODULE, NO ABUSE OF ANY SORT WILL BE TOLERATED. Learn How to Speak Dog via decoding body language, dog communication, 5 different barks plus lots more! All sessions are individualised and specialised to help with your specific situation, whether it be fear based, reactivity or phobic. Some of the anxieties, aggression, reactivity and phobia's we help ... - Separation Anxiety and Boredom - Fear Related Anxiety OR Phobia Disorder - Inter-Dog Aggression - Reactivity: Dogs, Lead Walking (pulling/jumping/barking) - Territorial Aggression - Alpha Aggression - Jealousy - Un-Neutered / Un-Spayed Behaviour ... yes, that really is a thing! Included in price: specific information regarding dog "happy" pheromones - supplied 1 x Adaptil Collar (size appropriate) and Vetsense Stress Less Paste 30mL . Please note all dogs to be trained wearing a collar and flat lead. . No extendable leads or check/choker chains. . Ensure you have your dog’s favourite treats/toy available, or positive reinforcement may be used in place of this.
Contact Details
0434 700 503
Up Coming Dates to be Provided. Haven Recreation Reserve, Henty Highway, Haven VIC, Australia